
The Powerbank for Life App contains:


aSerduszko   Information showing the day of prayer

Text for everyday prayer

IKO_3w Reflections for the Rosary (280 reflections for each day of the Spiritual Adoption)

IKO_1w Testimony of the Week (40 testimonies)

acropped-bobas_80_red.png Photos showing the child’s development as well as a description of the child’s status.


Also in the sidebar:


ic_battery_charging_full_black_24dp_2x Information on Spiritual Adoption

ic_pan_tool_black_24dp_2x   Text of the Oath

ic_today_black_24dp  Choosing the date

ic_add_alert_black_24dp_2x Setting the alarm reminder for prayer time

ic_translate_black_24dp_2x  Change language (eventually: 10 languages)