Daily prayer for the unborn child

My Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Your Blessed Mother Mary who gave birth to You out of love and through the intercession of St Joseph, the man of faith who cared for You after Your Birth, I turn to You on behalf of this conceived child who has been Spiritually Adopted by me and who is threatened by abortion. Please, give the parents the love and courage they need to allow their child to remain alive; the life that You yourself intended for them. Amen.

Novena to the Immaculate Conception with the intercession of St Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary.

Ojciec S. Papczyński

        Before beginning the Novena, it is recommended to think of a particular intention.

First Day
Immaculate Mother, through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who whilst creating the new Marian Order with great fervour continued to spread the cult of the Immaculate Conception; We ask of You – give us the grace so that we may be able to constantly praise You, that our lives will always have the unique privilege of God’s friendship, and that we may always be in a state of unsullied purity.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Second Day
Immaculate Mother, throughthe sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who out of mercy to the souls suffering in Purgatory would at every moment run to their aid; We ask of You – grant us the grace that we too may follow him in this act of  mercy, especially with those closest to us and with the souls in greatest need of help.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Third Day
Immaculate Mother, through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who took every opportunity to proclaim the Word of God and bring spiritual guidence to those lacking pastoral care; We ask of You – give us the grace so that our paths towards sainthood too may serve as an  example for others, thus leading them closer to God.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Fourth Day
Immaculate Mother, through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who throughout his entire life strongly guarded the faith of the Church and constantly showed his readiness to die a Martyr’s death; We aks of You – grant us the grace so that our faith may grow each day more and more, so that we too profess our faith at every opportunity.  Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Fifth Day
Immaculate Mother, through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who through his faith in the Holy Trinity was able to overcome many trials and  set the Order of the the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary thanks to the grace of God; We ask of You – give us the grace, so that we too may turn to God with unwavering trust, especially when we struggle on our path towards the wonderful promises of God’s love.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Sixth Day
Immaculate Mother,  through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, whose love to God was evidently displayed in everyday acts of mercy; We ask of You – grant us the grace, that we too may always follow in his footsteps, showing compassion to others.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Seventh Day
Immaculate Mother, through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, whose life and work was dedicated in following the example of Christ and his disciples; We ask of You – grant us the grace so that we too may be faithful to God, the Cross and the Gospel, as well as obedient towards the Church and her leaders.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Eighth Day
Immaculate Mother, through the grace of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who freely embraced a difficult life in the highest level of poverty, in order to give himself up completely to God body and soul; We ask of You – grant us the grace so that we too may be able to resist the temptations of our sins, allowing our souls to turn towards God’s Truth and Love.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

Ninth Day
Immaculate Mother, through the sake of Your loyal servant Stanislaus, who persistently strengthened and spread among the faithful devotion and childlike trust towards You; We ask of You – grant us the grace so that we may lay into Your merciful hands our pasts, futures and entire lives, allowing You to lead us on a straight road towards Heaven.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

ATTENTION. It is recommended to complete the Novena of a particular intention by going to Confession and accepting Holy Communion.